Dr. Kay Teschke
Professor Emeritus, UBC School of Population and Public Health

Research and Speakers
Dr. Kay Teschke's Cycling in Cities research program has contributed scientific evidence for building infrastructure that welcome cycling in North America. She has contributed to municipal, provincial, national, and international policies related to cycling, including reviews of traffic deaths and injuries, traffic law reform, benchmarking, helmet law reviews, and design toolkits​.
In January 2022, TraC hosted a lecture from Dr. Kay Teschke where she presented the results of two studies examining which types of cycle route infrastructure best promote biking and decrease injury risk.

Mikael Colville-Andersen
Urban designer, author, global cycling advocate

Mikael Colville-Andersen is an urban designer, author, and a leading global voice in urbanism. He has worked in over 100 cities around the world, advising about how to design – and embrace – bicycle and pedestrian friendly streets in order to improve communities. Mikael is known for his pioneering philosophies about simplifying municipal planning and how towns should be designed instead of engineered. He is the author of Copenhagenize – The Definitive Guide to Global Bicycle Urbanism and host of the global television series, The Life-sized City.
In 2021, Mikael presented a session to TraC members and local government about how we can create more livable communities on the Sunshine Coast through active transportation in our unique semi-rural location.